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Showing 1604 results for "trump administration close taxpayer abortion funding loophole"
  • Your gift right now will help defend free speech in crucial cases where your right to free speech is at risk.
  • ADF attorneys represent Lorie Smith in 303 Creative v. Elenis
  • … being a strong, public-facing woman requires support for abortion and a host of other family detrimental policies. But …
  • As a mother of five, Jessica knows what it’s like to provide a loving home. And as a widow, she knows what it’s like to lose a part of your family. So after hearing about another person’s adoption story, she felt inspired to make a happy home for children in need in the state of Oregon. But in Oregon, parents like Jessica must agree to use a child’s preferred pronouns, take children to LGBT-affirming events like Pride parades, and facilitate a child’s access to dangerous pharmaceutical interventions like puberty blockers and hormone shots that can sterilize a young child. The Oregon Department ...
  • The censorship at America’s colleges and universities must stop. And we need your support to bring First Amendment freedoms back to our nation’s campuses. A university is supposed to be a “marketplace” for ideas. Unfortunately, more and more college campuses are silencing students through discriminatory policies, speech codes, and even no-contact orders. Maggie DeJong’s story is case in point. As a graduate student in art therapy counseling at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE), Maggie wanted an education that would make her the best counselor she could be. Just like many of her ...
  • Poll of 3,000+ employees highlights need for companies to protect employee civil rights as outlined in Viewpoint Diversity Score Business Index
  • Government officials continue to withhold tuition funds for students of private religious schools but offer them to nearly all other students
  • You see what's happening across the country and in your community. Your right to free speech, the fairness of women's sports, and the sanctity of life are all under threat. You know it's time to take a stand. Your commitment is crucial. Give today, and your first gift will be matched while funds last, doubling your impact! Your support will help Alliance Defending Freedom stand for the freedoms that matter to you. You've seen our victories —15 U.S. Supreme Court wins in the last twelve years and more than 500 other triumphs in courts across the country. Now, we need you to be part of today’s ...
  • You see what's happening across the country and in your community. Your right to free speech, the fairness of women's sports, and the sanctity of life are all under threat. You know it's time to take a stand. Your commitment is crucial. Give today, and your first gift will be matched while funds last, doubling your impact! Your support will help Alliance Defending Freedom stand for the freedoms that matter to you. You've seen our victories —15 U.S. Supreme Court wins in the last twelve years and more than 500 other triumphs in courts across the country. Now, we need you to be part of today’s ...
  • In a generational win for ADF and the pro-life movement, the U.S. Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health overturned the disastrous Roe v. Wade after nearly 50 years.