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Showing 54 results for "iowa cyclones are whipping storm over first amendment"
  • … and Dentistry of New Jersey’s Same Day Surgery Unit are a diverse group, the majority have two things in common: … and Dentistry of New Jersey’s Same Day Surgery Unit are a diverse group, the majority have two things in common: …
  • Angela Little was a freshman at Eastern Michigan University (EMU) when a friend persuaded her to help establish a Students For Life (SFLA) chapter at the school. They collected signatures, recruited an adviser, and launched a slew of activities: Chalk Day (pro-life messages on campus sidewalks); Planned Parenthood Day (prominently exposing the corporation’s pro-abortion agenda), a petition drive protesting state insurance for abortion.
  • Ryan Dozier emerged from his Wednesday morning class at Yuba College in central California just in time to hoist an evangelical sign and hand out some tracts to the lunchtime crowd walking across campus.
  • Dr. Michael Campion is a licensed clinical psychologist who taught at the College of Medicine at the University of Illinois for 18 years, and is sought after for research projects by the U.S. Department of Justice. He is also a Christian, pro-family, and politically conservative -- a problem for the city of Minneapolis.