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Showing 59 results for "4 cases could be added supreme courts oral argument calendar"
  • Watch the story of the Tennes Family who was banned from the farmer’s market by the city of East Lansing simply because of their beliefs about marriage.
  • It was the start of a new school year and Janelle Poukamissas was excited as she walked into a planning meeting with the other student leaders of the Ichthus Club, a Christian student club at Half Hollow Hills High School East on Long Island, New York.
  • Ruth Malhotra and Orit Sklar unleashed all the worst furies of the Left when they stood up in support of their faith and their conservative views on the campus of Georgia Tech.
  • … in his neighbor’s house and determined that he wanted to be a firefighter. He got his start in his hometown and worked … The takeaway of his book is that only in Christ can men be rescued from their fallen condition and fulfill their … Kelvin, in his official capacity as fire chief, shouldn’t be able to keep his job because his thoughts and beliefs …
  • College was a rude awakening for Emily Brooker. Her freshman year, she received a class assignment to perform homosexual behavior in public, such as holding hands or kissing, and then write a paper about the experience.
  • Alliance Defending freedom filed a federal lawsuit to protect an Iowa church's freedom to operate according to its faith without fear of punishment from the government.
  • Commissioned II Love was one of the most popular clubs at Savannah State University, until administrators banned the club from campus following charges that the group's leaders were hazing the other members. In reality, this "hazing" was nothing more than a foot-washing ceremony.
  • As a student at Mountain Ridge High School in Glendale, Arizona, Erin Krestan was a member of Common Cause, a Christian club that met on campus. In order to promote her club, Erin asked to add an announcement to Mountain Ridge’s morning bulletins.
  • … they’re always right. Sometimes, administrators need to be confronted. Somebody needs to stand up.”  … Angela Little … they’re always right. Sometimes, administrators need to be confronted. Somebody needs to stand up.”  … Angela Little …