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Showing 44 results for "how fix johnson amendment"
  • … on her behalf, citing their violation of her group's First Amendment-protected right to assemble and express religious … on her behalf, citing their violation of her group's First Amendment-protected right to assemble and express religious …
  • Dr. Michael Campion is a licensed clinical psychologist who taught at the College of Medicine at the University of Illinois for 18 years, and is sought after for research projects by the U.S. Department of Justice. He is also a Christian, pro-family, and politically conservative -- a problem for the city of Minneapolis.
  • When Alexis heard about the lawsuit, she knew that she was called to join. Why? Because she felt that her voice brought something different—and needed—to the conversation. A female’s perspective on privacy needed to be heard.
  • … Commission’s hostility was inconsistent with the First Amendment’s guarantee that our laws be applied in a manner … 303 Creative ruling to Jack’s case, affirming Jack’s First Amendment freedom from government-coerced expression. Still … Commission’s hostility was inconsistent with the First Amendment’s guarantee that our laws be applied in a manner …
  • … the court upheld the law as consistent with the First Amendment. According to the majority in the 10th Circuit’s … established a record of success in defending your First Amendment freedoms and God-given rights. But your help is … the court upheld the law as consistent with the First Amendment. According to the majority in the 10th Circuit’s …
  • When Brian Hickman first heard about the open auditions for the upcoming Talent Show at his school, Superior Street Elementary, he immediately knew what he wanted to perform.
  • Barronelle Stutzman’s story of continuing struggle for religious freedom should be alarming to every American who cherishes freedom, not just to Christians.
  • Professor pressured to refer to a male student as a woman.
  • College was a rude awakening for Emily Brooker. Her freshman year, she received a class assignment to perform homosexual behavior in public, such as holding hands or kissing, and then write a paper about the experience.
  • One church in the Bronx borough of New York City spent two decades fighting for the ability to meet in public spaces.