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Showing 154 results for "”"
  • The ADF Journalism Academy equips young professionals to be quality journalists and communicators who promote truth in their respective fields. The training includes philosophical foundations in the profession and a variety of relevant, timely subjects related to good journalism and media relations. It incorporates practical skills necessary to succeed in the field and helps create a vision that will aid attendees in crafting a meaningful career strategy.
  • ADF Ministry Alliance is a religious liberty legal membership that helps prepare and protect your ministry to the greatest extent possible
  • Membership to give your church legal help to prepare to protect itself in a religious liberty related lawsuit?
  • Alliance Defending Freedom is ready to stand against the Equality Act, which threatens free speech, religious freedom, and true equality.
  • The magazine of Alliance Defending Freedom—May 2024 Edition
  • Your support of the ADF Grants and Funding program makes it possible to come alongside ADF Network Attorneys in 76 countries who can litigate important international religious freedom cases to victory.