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Showing 249 results for "external iframe caf homepage cases"
  • … speech and banish views from the public square—as in cases where the government misuses the law to crush … cannot take on these expensive legal battles on their own. Cases that go all the way to the Supreme Court can cost … battle for religious freedom, winning nearly 80% of our cases, including 15 victories at the U.S. Supreme Court since …
  • … by making a gift as we head to our nation’s highest court? Cases that go all the way to the Supreme Court can cost … is Endangering Women. You Can Take a Stand … Supreme Court Cases - Donate …
  • Our case against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will very soon be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court. All Americans should be able to agree: That federal agencies must follow the law. That the FDA’s job is to ensure safety. But the FDA hasn’t followed the law—it unlawfully removed vital safety standards for the use of high-risk abortion drugs. And it isn’t keeping women and girls safe—the FDA’s own label on these drugs admit that roughly one in 25 women who take them will end up in the emergency room. Yet the FDA eliminated all in-person doctor visits to check for ectopic pregnancies ...
  • Radical gender activism continues to make alarming inroads into mainstream medicine. While the medical field exists to promote health and human flourishing, far too many no longer adhere to the concept of “do no harm.” Instead, they promote harmful “gender affirming care,” which denies biological reality, and they push harmful cross-sex hormones and dangerous surgeries which permanently alter children’s bodies. Children cannot consent to drugs and surgeries that catastrophically and permanently harm their bodies. Alabama wants to protect minors from destructive and unnecessary medical ...
  • … & Justice and pray for the work, and she knew they defend cases just like this. So she called, and soon Legal Counsel … & Justice and pray for the work, and she knew they defend cases just like this. So she called, and soon Legal Counsel …
  • … our rights for 30 years – and winning. We’ve won 15 cases at the U.S. Supreme Court since 2011, and right now, we have two critical cases before the Court. We’re suing the U.S. Food & Drug … the law and force ER doctors to perform abortions. Cases like these, that take years and go all the way to the …
  • … our rights for 30 years – and winning. We’ve won 15 cases at the U.S. Supreme Court since 2011, and right now, we have two critical cases before the Court. We’re suing the U.S. Food & Drug … the law and force ER doctors to perform abortions. Cases like these, that take years and go all the way to the …
  • … our rights for 30 years – and winning. We’ve won 15 cases at the U.S. Supreme Court since 2011, and right now, we have two critical cases before the Court. We’re suing the U.S. Food & Drug … the law and force ER doctors to perform abortions. Cases like these, that take years and go all the way to the …
  • … our rights for 30 years – and winning. We’ve won 15 cases at the U.S. Supreme Court since 2011, and right now, we have two critical cases before the Court. We’re suing the U.S. Food & Drug … the law and force ER doctors to perform abortions. Cases like these, that take years and go all the way to the …
  • … our rights for 30 years – and winning. We’ve won 15 cases at the U.S. Supreme Court since 2011, and right now, we have two critical cases before the Court. We’re suing the U.S. Food & Drug … the law and force ER doctors to perform abortions. Cases like these, that take years and go all the way to the …