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Showing 41 results for "detailspages biography details tom intorcio"
  • Alliance Defending Freedom represents Young America's Foundation, CSULA Young Americans for Freedom, Ben Shapiro, and three university students. We are defending the right of students to speak freely on campus without being subject to threats, physical violence, and obstruction from protestors.
  • Barronelle Stutzman’s story of continuing struggle for religious freedom should be alarming to every American who cherishes freedom, not just to Christians.
  • Third-grader Lydia Booth was forced to remove her “Jesus Loves Me” mask, violating her free speech. Here’s how you can help.
  • One church in the Bronx borough of New York City spent two decades fighting for the ability to meet in public spaces.
  • Professor pressured to refer to a male student as a woman.
  • The Biden administration wants to force Christian colleges to put males in female dorms.
  • Blaine Adamson, the owner of Hands On Originals, a promotional printing company, has turned down several requests to create shirts based on the message that he was asked to print on them.
  • Beth Sheeran was a nursing student at Spokane Falls Community College in 2008 when she spearheaded an effort by a Christian club on campus to sponsor a pro-life event.
  • In 1993, Dr. Mike Adams, a self-declared atheist and liberal, began working at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington (UNCW).
  • Government Officials Direct A Christian School To Choose Between Faith And Food