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Showing 114 results for "client story country mill farms"
  • ADF represents world’s largest pregnancy center network in opposition to AMA attack on informed consent statute.
  • Federal government requires a Christian business to provide health insurance for its employees that cover abortion-inducing drugs and devices
  • Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys represent Trijicon, a family-owned business, in a federal lawsuit against the Obama administration’s abortion pill mandate,
  • Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys represent FOCUS in its lawsuit that challenges the constitutionality of the Obama administration's abortion pill mandate.
  • Federal government requires a Christian business to provide health insurance for its employees that cover abortion-inducing drugs and devices
  • ADF defends Dr. Dobson’s ministry against the Obama Administration’s attack on its religious liberty.
  • Federal government requires a Christian Bible publisher to pay for abortion-inducing drugs for its employees
  • … Image Brett Harvey Senior Counsel, Vice President of Client and Alliance Engagement Brett Harvey serves as senior counsel and vice president of client and alliance engagement with Alliance Defending …
  • The Winnebago County Health Department in Illinois wrongfully forced pediatric nurse Sandra Rojas out of her job for declining to assist with or refer for abortion or abortifacient contraceptives.
  • Federal government requires private, Christian liberal arts institution to facilitate access to abortion-inducing drugs for its employees.