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Showing 170 results for "issues marriage redefining marriage"
  • A new stage in the fight for life has begun. State and federal lawmakers are now empowered to protect life, but there is growing opposition to defending innocent unborn life. And there’s still so much work to do. Your gift today will help: Stand up for life-affirming laws across the country. Prevent state courts from issuing their own “Roe” decisions under state law. Defend the unborn and our most vulnerable. Protect the ability of pro-life pregnancy centers and other organizations to serve women and children. Save lives! Your gifts to ADF are 100% tax deductible. This defense of life is only ...
  • Female athletes spend years—even decades—of their lives training and honing their skills. They know that the difference between victory and defeat can be a single point or a tenth of a second. Fairness between competitors is critical. But the Biden administration and radical activists throughout the country are undermining the truth that there are biological differences between females and males by attempting to force women and girls to compete against males, who have significant—and documented—physical advantages. As this continues, women’s sports are being destroyed as opportunities and ...
  • … they disagree with the government’s position on issues like sexuality and gender. That’s why Alliance …
  • The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), mainstream media, and pro-abortion forces have not been honest about the dangers of abortion drugs and how the FDA has put women and girls at risk by removing important safety standards. Are abortion drugs safe and effective, as the FDA claims? Was the removal of safety standards a science-based decision? Are abortion drugs just a basic part of reproductive care? Finding truthful answers to those questions can be difficult, and this issue can be challenging for Americans to discuss. That’s why Alliance Defending Freedom has created a short, accessible ...
  • Free speech is under attack in America. You can help provide a winning legal defense for Americans standing up for our First Amendment freedoms.
  • … has successfully navigated complicated and contentious issues in the past. As a ‘thank-you’ for signing the pledge, …
  • Imagine feeling a conviction to adopt and care for other children—to love those who don’t even have one parent. And now imagine that your state is excluding you from adopting any child because you won’t agree to contradict your Christian beliefs— you won’t use inaccurate pronouns, take children to events like Pride parades, and facilitate a child’s access to dangerous procedures like potentially sterilizing puberty blockers. This is exactly the situation Jessica Bates faces in Oregon. Oregon officials are preventing Jessica from adopting because they disagree with her Christian beliefs—despite ...
  • The Biden administration’s lawless attempt to rewrite Title IX rejects reality and embraces gender ideology. Gender ideology inverts God’s design for humanity as created male or female. It attacks our identity as God’s image-bearers and tells us to bear the image of whatever we want: male, female, non-binary, or anything else we can imagine. This is a lie. But this ideology doesn't just confuse people with its lie. It’s leading people to hurt their bodies and, in some cases, be permanently sterilized. It’s pushing people—including innocent young children—on a path to taking drugs that impair ...
  • The most powerful institutions in our country—from the media to schools and universities to the federal government itself—no longer see the need to protect the opportunities, privacy, and safety of girls and women. Instead, they’re pushing policies based on gender ideology. Gender ideology inverts God’s design for humanity as created male or female. It attacks our identity as God’s image-bearers and tells us to bear the image of whatever we want: male, female, non-binary, or anything else we can imagine. This is a lie. But this ideology doesn't just confuse people with its lie. This lie is ...
  • … McAuliffe, said. Former President Barack Obama called issues in schools “phony, trumped-up culture wars.” The ACLU … children without parental permission. There are very few issues as important as this right now. Children pressured by …