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Showing 80 results for "iowa cyclones are whipping storm over first amendment"
  • Ryan Womack serves as Copywriter at Alliance Defending Freedom, where he supports ADF’s communications and fundraising efforts.
  • John F. Rogers is the director of operations for U.S. Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru), and has served the organization since 1977.
  • Teresa Haney is a Paralegal for the Center for Life at Alliance Defending Freedom
  • Neal Hardin serves as Web Manager & Writer for Alliance Defending Freedom
  • Lorné is passionately pro-life and enjoys her creative and always changing work.
  • Tori serves as Alliance Defending Freedom’s Director of Digital Fundraising and has a passion for creatively engaging, empowering, and equipping new audiences to protect the God-given rights of all Americans and keep the doors open for the gospel.
  • James Arnold serves as senior strategic communications manager for Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • Logan Spena serves as legal counsel for the Center for Academic Freedom with Alliance Defending Freedom, where he defends the rights of students, professors, and organizations to speak, associate, and worship freely.
  • Bob Pruitt serves as Senior Counsel, Corporate Affairs with Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • Kyle McCutcheon serves as corporate counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom.