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Showing 61 results for "why wwi memorial might be destroyed"
  • Rachel Csutoros serves as legal counsel for the Center for Conscience Initiatives with Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • Dr. Bill Bright founded Campus Crusade for Christ – a campus ministry seeking to "win the campus today and change the world tomorrow" – and fully invested himself into the ministry for more than five decades.
  • Logan Spena serves as legal counsel for the Center for Academic Freedom with Alliance Defending Freedom, where he defends the rights of students, professors, and organizations to speak, associate, and worship freely.
  • Christy Hirsch serves as legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom's Center for Christian Ministries.
  • Hal Frampton serves as senior counsel in the Center for Conscience Initiatives at Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • Bryan Neihart serves as legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, where he is a member of the Center for Conscience Initiatives.
  • Larry Burkett accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior in 1972 – an event that had a profound effect, not only on the course of his own life, but also on the lives of countless individuals touched by the work of Crown Financial Ministries.
  • Valerie Londono serves as senior counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom. She primarily advises members of ADF’s Church and Ministry Alliance to help them navigate religious liberty issues and protect their constitutional freedoms.
  • Denise Burke serves as senior counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, where she is a member of the Center for Legislative Advocacy.
  • Joshua Rogers serves as senior counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom’s Center for Life, where he litigates matters involving constitutional freedoms and the sanctity of life. Rogers is a 17-year veteran of the U.S. Department of Justice. During his time at the DOJ, he served as an Assistant United States Attorney in two U.S. Attorneys’ Offices and as a trial attorney in the Civil Rights Division. Rogers argued 25 times before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. and Fourth Circuits and filed over 100 briefs in those courts. He also appeared countless times before U.S. district courts ...