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Showing 412 results for "california wasnt forcing churches pay abortions until planned parenthood stepped"
  • … demands action from each of us—individuals, families, churches, lawmakers, and communities—whether it’s opening our … lives. After decades of court-imposed abortion on demand until birth, tragically, countless women have learned … According to our two national surveys of women who had abortions and men who participated in abortions, both women …
  • Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was arrested for silently praying. She wasn’t carrying a sign or engaging with anyone. She wasn’t even praying out loud. She was simply standing near an abortion clinic in the United Kingdom – peacefully praying in her mind. The introduction of “censorship zones” by Birmingham authorities criminalizes individuals perceived to be “engaging in any act of approval or disapproval” in relation to abortion, including through “verbal or written means, prayer or counseling…”. Isabel’s physical presence in the censorship zone wasn’t a crime in itself, it was the contents of her ...
  • Female athletes across the country continue to face situations where they are forced to compete against male athletes without a fair chance of success.
  • … were signed, the organization’s insurers were allowed to pay for abortion methods for employees of the organization. … organizations were specifically enabling insurers to pay for the birth control methods they objected to. According … that requiring them to sign forms enabling insurers to pay for objectionable birth control methods violated RFRA, …
  • … abortion, her boyfriend at the time wanted her to go to Planned Parenthood—and soon she found herself being coerced to take …
  • At a time when free speech has been threatened at many law schools, a new rule from the American Bar Association signals hope.
  • The cruelty against Jack Phillips continues. Will you pray for him? You know his story: Jack is the cake artist from Colorado who serves all people but could not—and cannot—create a custom cake that expresses a message he does not believe. For Jack and so many other Christian artists, it’s never about the who. It’s always about what message they’re being asked to communicate. He cannot express every message asked of him. And because our nation’s Constitution protects free speech, he doesn’t have to. After ten years, and despite two victories, he’s still being targeted by activists who want to ...
  • … in sports, ignoring women’s unique health needs, and forcing vulnerable girls to share intimate spaces with men … the country. These laws result in less freedom, not more. Churches and religious nonprofits have been told they are not … Act ,” which not only would have legalized abortion until birth, but also would have invalidated nearly every …
  • … the effects of COVID-19. Restaurants, shops, schools, and churches did their part to comply with health guidelines. Churches even found new ways to gather for worship, through … and ministries. Thankfully, Alliance Defending Freedom stepped in to successfully defend the rights of church and …
  • The Biden administration is trying to unlawfully rewrite the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) and override Idaho’s pro-life law. This would FORCE Idaho emergency room doctors to violate the state’s pro-life law and take innocent unborn life. The Biden administration has sued Idaho to block the state’s law that protects the lives of women and their unborn children from abortion, unless necessary to save the life of the mother. The State of Idaho is standing for life and we’d like to ask you to stand up for life as well. Will you step up right now with a gift and ...