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Showing 360 results for "sometimes good guys gals win"
  • The attacks on freedom from government officials, big tech, and radical activists are far-reaching. But you can take courage—and action—today. When the early Christians faced the powerful officials seeking to censor and punish them for living and expressing their faith, they spoke with courage. And the world noticed: “When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13). Though our current challenges are many, Alliance Defending Freedom and our Ministry Friends ...
  • The Biden administration is trying to unlawfully rewrite the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) and override Idaho’s pro-life law. This would FORCE Idaho emergency room doctors to violate the state’s pro-life law and take innocent unborn life. The Biden administration has sued Idaho to block the state’s law that protects the lives of women and their unborn children from abortion, unless necessary to save the life of the mother. The State of Idaho is standing for life and we’d like to ask you to stand up for life as well. Will you step up right now with a gift and ...
  • Help ADF defend them and others standing for free speech! Jacksonville, FL-based Queen of Angels Catholic Bookstore and owner Christie DeTrude simply strive to honor God and wish to promote their beliefs, including through the store’s website and YouTube channel. The bookstore joyfully serves all people, and sells its products to anyone, but Christie and her employees cannot speak a message they disagree with. An outrageous Jacksonville law is compelling businesses to speak inconsistent with their beliefs by promoting government-approved ideologies—or face devastating fines. Like far too many ...
  • This is about standing up for the truth. And it’s about ensuring that every girl and woman has an equal opportunity to a fair playing field. That’s why we’re standing with courageous female athletes like Selina Soule, Chelsea Mitchell, Alanna Smith, and Ashley Nicoletti. They experienced the consequences of allowing males to compete with female athletes, and they decided to take a brave stand. They did this in the face of loud voices opposing them, and the deafening silence of many around them, when others were afraid to speak out. All they wanted was a fair shot—just like any other dedicated ...
  • California Gov. Gavin Newsom has even placed pro-abortion billboards in pro-life states.
  • Hi, I’m Ali Kilmartin, Senior Counsel and Vice President of Allied Legal Affairs at Alliance Defending Freedom, here to tell you about ADF’s Grants and Funding Program, which connects people like you with over 4,500 network attorneys who are dedicated to protecting the freedom of American families and ministries from overreaching governments. ADF’s attorneys—as amazing as they are—can’t cover every threat to freedom. But that’s the beauty of the Alliance—we rely on like-minded Allied Attorneys and Blackstone Fellows who donate their time to handle legal matters that are close to our heart and ...
  • The Blackstone Legal Fellowship is integral in Alliance Defending Freedom’s ultimate goal of serving Christ while defending and advancing liberty.
  • Oregon denied an adoption application for Jessica Bates because she wouldn’t adopt the state’s radical gender ideology.
  • Our culture lies to pregnant women, and tells them that abortion is “health care,” that it’s a simple, painless procedure. In truth, abortion destroys innocent life and often leaves women struggling with significant physical and psychological pain. Alliance Defending Freedom is the world's largest legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of life, parental rights, and God's design for marriage and family. When it comes to these issues, we aren’t on the sidelines—we're in the action achieving significant victories for freedom. We were honored to ...
  • Jefferson County Public Schools secretly tried to force an 11-year-old girl to share a bed with a male who identifies as transgender on a school-sponsored trip.