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Showing 399 results for "ninth circuit rules favor california church forced pay abortions"
  • … name of “public health.” Nevada, for example, restricted church gatherings while allowing thousands to gather at … businesses and nonprofits to mandate vaccines , and California restricted free speech near any facilities that … v. Missouri ), the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit detailed the pressure campaign some government …
  • … in an effort to challenge a particular law. As the 7th Circuit noted, “Faced with so obvious a test case, the … is much more questionable than ADF’s standing arguments in favor of artists who really want to operate in the wedding … because of our clients’ lawsuits. In 2015, for example, California passed the so-called “Reproductive FACT Act,” …
  • We’re calling on grandparents across the nation to stand for their grandchildren’s futures by becoming a Generational Guardian today. As the media and many schools inundate young people’s minds with dangerous ideologies that lead to gender confusion and skyrocketing rates of depression and suicide—it’s up to us to intervene. You know the truth. Will you pledge to be a beacon of love and truth to the next generation by becoming a Generational Guardian today? The future of our nation depends on it. “YES! I will be there for my grandchildren, be involved in their lives, and be a beacon of love ...
  • … Court , which ruled that pregnancy centers can’t be forced to say something that goes against their very mission. … only to facilities that do not perform or refer for abortions. It does not define what might violate the law and … that a name like that is too neutral and implies it offers abortions. If a pregnancy center were to advertise its …
  • … Jack Phillips’s Freedom 7-2 A 7-2 Supreme Court ruling in favor of Masterpiece Cakeshop vindicated Jack Phillips’s … for a Republican president? Should a Muslim painter be forced to create a painting depicting Muhammed? Can a state … after the Supreme Court granted review, it ruled 7 to 2 in favor of Jack on June 4, 2018. The ruling reversed the …
  • Today is Paralegal Appreciation Day, and our dedicated and impressive team of paralegals deserves the spotlight—and your support. Behind every ADF win advancing freedom—from the U.S. Supreme Court to courtrooms across the nation—is a team of paralegals who are critical to assisting ADF attorneys and clients. ADF paralegals help present complex cases—spanning years and involving a vast amount of information—in simple language to courts and legislatures. Today, we celebrate the vital role of ADF paralegals in helping defend clients and secure freedoms that will last far into the future. And ...
  • … their health. As the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit agreed, these doctors have suffered concrete and specific injuries, including forced participation in elective abortion, because of the …
  • Today is Paralegal Appreciation Day, and our dedicated and impressive team of paralegals deserves the spotlight—and your support. Behind every ADF win advancing freedom—from the U.S. Supreme Court to courtrooms across the nation—is a team of paralegals who are critical to assisting ADF attorneys and clients. ADF paralegals help present complex cases—spanning years and involving a vast amount of information—in simple language to courts and legislatures. Today, we celebrate the vital role of ADF paralegals in helping defend clients and secure freedoms that will last far into the future. And ...
  • … and Rachel. Unfortunately, the district court ruled in favor of the school district, determining that administrators … court’s decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit. What’s at stake? The First Amendment protects the … Katie and Rachel’s rights, ADF and PJI appealed to the 9th Circuit . The bottom line Public schools can’t retaliate …
  • Federal, state, and local governments are pushing a radical gender ideology that says gender is determined by our feelings rather than by biology. But perhaps most dangerous of all, some officials want to censor any debate regarding gender ideology—and this censorship has also made its way into schools. Liam Morrison, a 12-year-old student at Nichols Middle School in Middleborough, Massachusetts, is all too familiar with this censorship. When Liam wore a T-shirt to school that said, “There are only two genders,” the school responded by promptly pulling him out of class and ordering him to ...