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Showing 242 results for "facing another giant"
  • … That was a milestone victory for freedom.  But many others facing similar threats are wondering if and when they will … for your support today, we’ll send you a FREE copy of  Facing the Fire , Chief Cochran’s book detailing his personal … more victories for free speech and religious liberty! … Facing The Fire …
  • Help ADF defend them and others standing for free speech! Jacksonville, FL-based Queen of Angels Catholic Bookstore and owner Christie DeTrude simply strive to honor God and wish to promote their beliefs, including through the store’s website and YouTube channel. The bookstore joyfully serves all people, and sells its products to anyone, but Christie and her employees cannot speak a message they disagree with. An outrageous Jacksonville law is compelling businesses to speak inconsistent with their beliefs by promoting government-approved ideologies—or face devastating fines. Like far too many ...
  • … In Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia v. Comer (another ADF case), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that such …
  • Hi, I’m Ali Kilmartin, Senior Counsel and Vice President of Allied Legal Affairs at Alliance Defending Freedom, here to tell you about ADF’s Grants and Funding Program, which connects people like you with over 4,500 network attorneys who are dedicated to protecting the freedom of American families and ministries from overreaching governments. ADF’s attorneys—as amazing as they are—can’t cover every threat to freedom. But that’s the beauty of the Alliance—we rely on like-minded Allied Attorneys and Blackstone Fellows who donate their time to handle legal matters that are close to our heart and ...
  • … Maximize the Impact for Freedom Your God-given rights are facing mounting threats. And there’s simply too much at stake …
  • Your gift can make up to FOUR times the impact through the ADF Grants & Funding program!
  • Each year, hundreds of critical legal battles affecting your religious freedom and the God-given rights of people of faith are waged with the help of the ADF Grants and Funding program. In the months ahead, we expect to continue to be flooded with grant requests! But we can only hope to meet these rising needs through the grace of God and the generous support of Ministry Friends like you. Your commitment to help preserve the God-given rights of every American helps us stand in the gap for freedom. Would you prayerfully consider joining the Frontline for Freedom by committing to a monthly gift ...
  • … agenda.” But if any of those facts endanger the abortion giant’s staggering $1.7 billion in revenue , they are … a new wrinkle. Just below a web address that leads to another taxpayer-funded abortion website, we find a choppy …
  • … both near and far. Activists in the Biden administration, giant corporations, and state governments across the country … deepest beliefs. And these are only a few of the threats facing your God-given freedoms. But Alliance Defending …
  • Lunch is back on the menu for students attending religious schools after an ADF lawsuit on behalf of Grant Park Christian Academy in Florida.