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Showing 173 results for "separating myths facts harris funeral homes emmys"
  • … Hope because of its practice of only placing children in homes with a married mother and father. ADF won both lawsuits … New Hope’s ability to place infants in permanent homes without government harassment. Excluding people of … shelters (including in Oregon ) for lack of loving homes or other facilities. Beyond the effect on children, …
  • … full spectrum of issues and current events that affect our homes, beliefs, schools, government, churches, and basic …
  • Liam Morrison was censored by his school for wearing a shirt with the message, ‘there are only two genders.’
  • … to their female counterparts. Expressing these basic facts, the superintendent said, warranted the coach’s …
  • … seeing governments try to sideline Christian children’s homes, adoption centers, and homeless ministries from their …
  • The Biden administration is pressuring Big Tech to filter the information Americans can receive on social media, which manipulates, how Americans think. The impact is far-reaching—beliefs are being silenced on social media. Yet the administration denies any wrongdoing. In fact, it’s appealing a federal court ruling that deemed the administration’s behavior “arguably … the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.” But what do YOU believe?
  • When Washington State denied Shane and Jenn DeGross’ renewal application to continue fostering children in need, it did so because the DeGrosses are Christians who believe that God has created each person male or female. They wouldn’t endorse and promote the state’s radical views on gender ideology, so the state rejected them. The DeGrosses had willingly opened up their hearts and home for over nine years, to children of all backgrounds who lacked a stable and loving home environment, regardless of how the child identifies. Even though it is in desperate need of more families like the ...
  • WPATH styles itself as the authority on so-called ‘gender medicine.’ But leaked documents show that its standards of care are neither scientific nor ethical.
  • Seventh-grader Liam Morrison wanted to participate in the national conversation about sex and gender. That’s his right as an American. Unfortunately, his Massachusetts school only allowed for one opinion—theirs. So when Liam wore a shirt to school that said “There are only two genders,” school officials pulled him from class and told him to take it off or be sent home. He bravely stood up to the unlawful demands, and now attorneys with Alliance Defending Freedom are suing to protect his right to speak without fear of government punishment. But he’s far from the only American who is facing ...
  • Americans’ right to live and speak the truth is facing intensifying threats. There are children today who are being targeted and punished for their faith in public schools across America. Children are also being pressured into experimental “gender transition” procedures, are being indoctrinated into radical gender and race-based ideologies, and are being taught to reject the values they are raised with at home. Artists are being threatened with fines, damages, threats to their livelihood, and even jail time for declining to promote messages that violate their deepest beliefs. These are only a ...