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Showing 176 results for "separating myths facts harris funeral homes emmys"
  • Parents nationwide are standing up for their children and their God-given freedoms. Will you stand with them? DEFEND PARENTAL RIGHTS How would you feel if your child was being taught to treat other children differently based on the color of their skin? that whether someone will be successful in life is based on whether they are black or white? that their skin color determines whether they are an “oppressor” or “oppressed”? And—most disturbingly—what if they were being taught this by their own school? Sadly, this is precisely the type of race-based division pushed on kids in many public schools ...
  • Gender theory denies the basic biological reality that we’re all created either male or female. Undermining that fact is hurting children, families, and countless societal institutions. In Y our Guide to Gender Theory, Alliance Defending Freedom’s free guide, you’ll discover: The roots of gender theory How gender theory impacts everything from women’s sports to adoption services to biblical counselors What ADF is doing to push back, and how you can help Get your FREE copy of Y our Guide to Gender Theory!
  • The violation of freedom is no longer an ill-defined threat—it’s happening right in our backyards. Our culture is buying into dangerous lies about the family, life, and what it means to be human—and it’s snowballing quickly. Alliance Defending Freedom’s clients can tell you just how close to home this hits. But it’s through the generosity of people like you that we can stand up for individuals, ministries, and churches whose First Amendment rights are violated by the government. When ministry leaders, pastors, teachers, artists, and parents are told that they aren’t allowed to live and speak ...
  • The violation of freedom is no longer an ill-defined threat—it’s happening right in our backyards. Our culture is buying into dangerous lies about the family, life, and what it means to be human—and it’s snowballing quickly. Alliance Defending Freedom’s clients can tell you just how close to home this hits. But it’s through the generosity of people like you that we can stand up for individuals, ministries, and churches whose First Amendment rights are violated by the government. When ministry leaders, pastors, teachers, artists, and parents are told that they aren’t allowed to live and speak ...
  • Justice Barrett’s Supreme Court confirmation breaks an important barrier for women and girls — demonstrating that it is possible to honor a woman’s role as a wife and mom, and also serve as a high-level attorney.
  • … centers, ultrasound-equipped medical clinics, maternity homes, non-profit adoption agencies, and abortion recovery …
  • Travis Allen and his daughter, Blake, were suspended for speaking up.
  • … family. Many of the kids come from single-parent homes. For these children and their families, federal and …
  • Gender theory is harming children and poisoning our culture. It’s just that simple. From the classrooms to the playing fields to adoption policy, gender theory seeks to distort the clear truth and is undermining one of the most foundational realities of what it means to be human: the fact that we are each created male or female. Alliance Defending Freedom is on the front lines, pushing back against gender theory in the culture and in the courtroom. We’re challenging policies like “gender transition” plans that mislead and deceive parents about the care of their children. And policies that ...
  • … the state’s policy goes forward. “Oregon needs resource homes,” Widmalm-Delphonse says. “Jessica feels that she has …