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Showing 359 results for "whats big deal"
  • The Blackstone Legal Fellowship is integral in Alliance Defending Freedom’s ultimate goal of serving Christ while defending and advancing liberty.
  • ADF and its allied attorneys succeeded in having a county forced speech ordinance declared unconstitutional.
  • Public, nonreligious private, and home-schooled high-school students can attend college classes, but not students from private religious schools
  • ADF and its allies are preventing the City of Austin from infringing on constitutional freedoms of pro-life pregnancy centers.
  • The freedom of conscience is fundamental to America’s founding principles, and ADF is committed to protecting that freedom.
  • States are introducing legislation to define the word ‘sex’ in accordance with history and science. The ACLU wrongly claims they are redefining what sex means.
  • Appeals Court Rules in Favor of Student Expelled for Adhering to Her Religious Beliefs and Admonishes University that “Tolerance Is a Two-Way Street.”
  • An ADF ally advocated at the Alaska Supreme Court in defense of a voter-approved initiative to protect underage young women and preserve the rights of parents.
  • Alliance Defending Freedom asks U.S. Supreme Court to reinstate asylum for persecuted German family
  • Los Angeles City College professor tells Christian student to "Ask God What Your Grade Is"