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Showing 2784 results for "does wall separation mean religious groups cant receive coronavirus aid"
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Matt Sharp regarding a federal district court’s limited nationwide order Tuesday in State of Texas v. United States of America that reaffirms his previous order prohibiting the Obama administration from forcing public schools to allow boys into girls’ locker rooms, showers, and restrooms while the lawsuit of several states moves forward. The court found that both Title IX and Title VII rely on the consistent, uniform application of national standards in education and workplace policy. Because the May 2016 Dear ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Steven H. Aden, special assistant attorney general in defense of Arizona’s Whole Woman’s Healthcare Funding Prioritization Act, regarding the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision Monday to let stand a U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit ruling that struck down the act: “Taxpayers should not be forced to subsidize the work of abortionists. Arizona should be free to enforce its public interest against the taxpayer funding of abortion and in favor of the best health care for women, which is what this law sought ...
  • 5th Circuit upholds dismissal of challenge to law protecting patient health, safety
  • State records: $14 million provided to Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood in violation of state constitution