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Showing 286 results for "bathroom bill stinks"
  • Colorado nurse midwife defends helping women who regret abortion
  • ADF to 5th Circuit: Protect parents' right to direct care of their children
  • ADF represents world’s largest pregnancy center network in opposition to AMA attack on informed consent statute.
  • Federal government requires a Christian business to provide health insurance for its employees that cover abortion-inducing drugs and devices
  • Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys represent Trijicon, a family-owned business, in a federal lawsuit against the Obama administration’s abortion pill mandate,
  • Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys represent FOCUS in its lawsuit that challenges the constitutionality of the Obama administration's abortion pill mandate.
  • Federal government requires a Christian business to provide health insurance for its employees that cover abortion-inducing drugs and devices
  • Federal government requires a Christian business to pay for abortion-inducing drugs for its employees
  • ADF challenges a policy that forces teachers to violate their beliefs about biological sex.
  • Federal government requires two private, Christian liberal arts institutions to facilitate access to abortion-inducing drugs for their employees and students.