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Showing 340 results for "ten nation shaping victories 2013"
  • Marlin Maddoux was the founder and president of International Christian Media and host of the Point of View radio talk show, as well as a noted journalist and author.
  • Bob Trent serves as vice president of public relations with Alliance Defending Freedom. In this role, Trent oversees all media and public relations efforts for the organization.
  • Through Coral Ridge Ministries, Dr. D. James Kennedy became the most listened-to Presbyterian minister in the world.
  • Hailey Vrdolyak serves as legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, where she is a member of the Center for Conscience Initiatives.
  • Christy Hirsch serves as legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom's Center for Christian Ministries.
  • … The Supreme Court and compelled speech Throughout our nation’s history, we have been forced to ask the question, … Group of Boston (1995) In one of the first Supreme Court victories ADF helped support, the Court ruled unanimously … our Republic strong … [T]olerance, not coercion, is our Nation’s answer. The First Amendment envisions the United …
  • Michael Ross serves as legal counsel for the Center for Academic Freedom with Alliance Defending Freedom
  • Catie Byrd Kelley served as Legal Counsel for the Center for Life at Alliance Defending Freedom
  • Mark Maddoux is the former president, CEO, and co-founder of the USA Radio Network, vice president and chief financial officer for International Christian Media, and former head of research and development for Gelato of Texas.
  • Valerie Londono serves as senior counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom. She primarily advises members of ADF’s Church and Ministry Alliance to help them navigate religious liberty issues and protect their constitutional freedoms.