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Showing 510 results for "dont think twice its hate according splc"
  • “There are a handful of groups doing great work. Alliance Defending Freedom is one of them.” - Dennis Prager Our freedoms are under increasing threat. That’s why we are standing together to defend our God-given rights and liberties. Your tax-deductible gift of $50 or more will help Alliance Defending Freedom take on cases large and small that advocate for your right to live and speak the truth. And your year-end gift will help us meet a crucial budget goal of $11.7 million before December 31. Ready to take your generosity to the next level? Please consider making your gift a monthly commitment ...
  • … up to $500,000. Don’t miss this opportunity to make twice the impact, while matching funds last. … Dangerous …
  • … In Finland, Member of Parliament Päivi Räsänen stood trial twice for charges of “hate speech” over a 2019 Tweet that included a Bible verse … or emails. Many people who are speaking and living according to the truth face discrimination, persecution, and …
  • Imagine feeling a conviction to adopt and care for other children—to love those who don’t even have one parent. And now imagine that your state is excluding you from adopting any child because you won’t agree to contradict your Christian beliefs— you won’t use inaccurate pronouns, take children to events like Pride parades, and facilitate a child’s access to dangerous procedures like potentially sterilizing puberty blockers. This is exactly the situation Jessica Bates faces in Oregon. Oregon officials are preventing Jessica from adopting because they disagree with her Christian beliefs—despite ...
  • The story of this family’s experience is shocking. Schools have a responsibility to keep parents informed—they cannot hide information about a child’s mental or physical well-being from their parents. At Alliance Defending Freedom, we defend people’s fundamental rights in cases across the nation. Each year, we receive THOUSANDS of requests for legal assistance, many from families just like the Perez family. Critical legal battles like these impact your fundamental freedoms, and thanks to Alliance Defending Freedom’s Grants and Funding Program, our network of attorneys are able to stand ...
  • Three decades ago, 30 Christian leaders saw a need to combat the decades-long efforts of activists and government officials to drive expressions of faith out of the public square. Others said it was too late, that the culture had already been lost. But these determined Christian leaders stepped out in faith and founded Alliance Defending Freedom to protect God-given freedoms in the courts and to recruit and train attorneys dedicated to that mission. Today, by God’s grace, we stand as the world’s largest legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of ...
  • … to censor speech. It’s trying to determine how Americans think by pressuring tech corporations to filter beliefs. …
  • Make no mistake: New York’s new censorship law targets constitutionally protected speech on social media networks. But this attack on free speech is nothing new. We’ve seen countless forms of censorship from government officials, social media platforms, and even financial institutions. But now, satirical websites like The Babylon Bee must face humorless state officials depriving them of their First Amendment freedoms. At ADF, we believe that all Americans are free to peacefully express their point of view, and that includes humor and sarcasm. Further, we believe that our freedoms don’t hinge ...
  • When Dayspring Christian Learning Center is threatened, your freedom is on the line, too. When the federal government tries to force faith-based ministries and schools to violate their beliefs to receive needed funding, kids in need lose. And this time, it’s dozens of poor and minority students at Dayspring Christian Learning Center in El Cajon, California, who could be losing out on lunches they desperately need. This is a case of government officials placing ideology above the health and well-being of children—which has happened far too often in the past few years. And it’s a blatant ...
  • When Washington State denied Shane and Jenn DeGross’ renewal application to continue fostering children in need, it did so because the DeGrosses are Christians who believe that God has created each person male or female. They wouldn’t endorse and promote the state’s radical views on gender ideology, so the state rejected them. The DeGrosses had willingly opened up their hearts and home for over nine years, to children of all backgrounds who lacked a stable and loving home environment, regardless of how the child identifies. Even though it is in desperate need of more families like the ...